‘Hyderabad Unplug’ is a voluntary campaign supported by WWF - India, urging Hyderabad citizens to turn off the lights and electrical devices for an hour on May 3, 2008 from 7.30 to 8.30 pm. It aims to kindle awareness about global warming among the citizens and serving institutions of this city and inspires them to take a small step towards addressing the climate crisis by turning off the lights for an hour.
Also, this event highlights the fact that power sector is the biggest contributor to global warming in India. Judicious use of electricity will not only reduce the impact of global warming, but also promote equitable power distribution for rural areas of our nation.
Our persistent reliance on electricity sourced from coal-fired power stations is causing a dramatic increase in the Earth's temperature, resulting in rising sea levels, desertification, an increase in drought and severe storms, and massive changes to the environments we all rely on to survive. There is still time to change how our planet will look in the future if we act now.
If all Indian households simply turn off unused lights and appliances on standby, India's emissions would be reduced by at least 15 million tonnes per annum, avoiding greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to taking 4.5 million cars off the road for a year!!
Out of 8,766 hours in a year, let's give one back to the Earth!
Hyderabad Unplug will demonstrate that together, our small actions can make a difference to global warming.
For further queries you can contact:
Mr. Raghavendra Turaga - +91-9908815490
Mr. Mohan JV - +91-9866110548
Ms. Rajitha Kanchan - +91-9849185009