Hi! I am the Indian tiger, and I need your urgent support
- To save my skin and bones from greedy poachers.
- To save the forests of INDIA, which are our homes.
- To strenghth the work of those who toil in the wilderness for my cause.
- Act before its too late, and I am left only in your pictures and Imaginations.
CONTACT US AT: WWF-India: A.P state Office, 818, castle Hills, Road No. 02, Near NMDC, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500 057, Andhra Pradesh, India. Telefax: 040-235534151, apso@wwfindia.net / http://www.wwfindia.org/
WORLD WIDE FUND FOR NATURE STAFF AT AP STATE OFFICE: Dr. Farida Tampal (STATE DIRECTOR) P. S. M Srinivas (SALES OFFICER) Miss. Archana Waran (Project cum adminstrative officer) Mr. Sarvanan (Education Officer) Mr. G Anand (Adminstrative) Mr. Maqsood Javed (Feild Research cum Education Officer)